What’s happing

*Time to clean those chimneys! Soot from last winter, debris from over the summer, nests, animals, you name it and it has probably been found in a chimney. Let’s work on getting all of those nasty flammable materials out of the chimney and into the trash where they belong. There are many resources available to assist you if you are incapable of maintaining your chimneys safely. Don’t be afraid to ask neighbors or your local church or volunteer group for assistance.

*Firewood is a necessity of life for many of us in this territory. It is also the cause of several fire calls each year. Many folks like to stack the wood close to the house, or even on the porch close to the home. While this does make it nice when it snows it also creates a fire hazard all winter long. Oftentimes wood debris can hold sparks or some other heat source, fueling the heat source until the fire trifecta has been completed and flames can finally erupt. Move these fuel sources away from your home. Create a clean barrier between your home and your fuel source to reduce the chances of your home going up if your woodpile ignites. A cheap tarp can keep your firewood dry while it is away from the home.

*The cool temps bring colds, flu, and the inevitable COVID. We can do our part by dressing according to the predicted weather, dressing in layers to be prepared throughout the day, and staying warm and dry whenever possible. Washing your hands regularly and disinfecting regularly used surfaces and handles will help keep the germ loads under control. And of course, there are always vaccines available at the local pharmacies and doctors’ offices for those of us who need them or wish to have them.

*While it may still be a little ways off, it is never too early to check your inventory for when the snow flies. Do you know where your snow shovel is? Ice salts? Where did you stash those chains for the car again? How about a little extra food and water in case you get snowed in for a few days?

Our home is a beautiful place to be any time of year, but fall gives it a special feel. Let’s work together to keep our families, homes, and communities safe. Together we can do great things.


Stay safe and warm friends


Navajo County and the Clay Springs Pinedale Fire District are now requiring permits for all agricultural burning within the county. For this reason, a burn permit may be obtained in the following manner:

  • Burn permits and other valuable information can be found on this website, under burn Information.
  • Permits shall be returned to Fire Station 610, located at 1248 Pinedale Road, Pinedale Arizona.
  • A permit number will be assigned to each residence at this time.

How to report fires and aquire permission:

Help us help you. Unreported fires make up approximately 10% of our annual call volume. As a result, Chief Garvin asks that everybody calls in to report your fires. This will assist the department in saving money and valuable resources.

Everybody can play a part in community safety. One way to do so would be by reporting legal fires and illegal burns. Burns can be reported to the Fire Chief at 928-205-5327 or an active Clay Springs Pinedale Firefighter. You can find a list of current active firefighters here. In the event that you feel you have spotted a wildfire please do not hesitate to call 9-1-1

Additional Information:

If you would like to find information about the active forest fires can be found on the Inciweb site. Check back often to stay up to date on fires within the country.

Additionally, information about fire hazards for our local area may also be found on the Clay Springs Pinedale Fire Department Facebook page.

If you would like to see the weather updates for our area your local weather reports can be found at National Weather Service.

Furthermore, Chief Garvin would like to remind people to slow down and remain cautious while driving. Always watch for people and animals along the roadways. It is not uncommon for our district to see an increase in car accidents during this time of year as people and animals move around more outside to enjoy the beautiful mountain weather. Remember to adjust your speed accordingly to the current road conditions.

Clay Springs Pinedale Fire District wishes you all a happy spring! Stay safe and enjoy this wonderful time of year!

Chief Robert Garvin
